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Monthly episode is taking you on an electronic music journey with the latest promos and music all around the world. Make sure to follow us on Soundcloud, Mixcloud or Apple.Podcast for good music all the time and everywhere. Enjoy it

mastering,label,Dj,Artist Booking,Goeran, Meyer , MYR ,artist roster,audio designer,audio engineer,audio mastering, mastering studio, music composer,producer,sound design,sound designer,soundscape,electronic music , artist booker, club , festival, lounge ,bar , restaurant , juli lee , kaiser waldon , hanna häis , scotty cal , bali , frankfurt , münchen , berlin , hamburg , leipzig , ibiza , party , summer , lounge music , audio studio , mastering , analog equalizer , independent label , digital releases , oldrich sic jr, manuel rodriguez , nesker , JULI Lee, booker , dj booking , artist booking , event , fulda , hünfeld , hessen , Mastering , Mixing , producing , beats , sounds , ableton , moog , focal , ssl , elektron anlalog rytm , access, synthesizer , music dj , electronic music artist  , monthly episode , myr , electronic music label , deephouse , melodic house , melodic techno , independent music label,

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